GSO Test

Ancient History

Awarding Body:


Click here to view the course on the examination board website.

A Level

Component 1 (50% of the A-level) –

Greek Period Study: Relations between Greek and non-Greek states 492-404 BC and                                                                                    Greek Depth Study: Politics and Society of Sparta 478-404 BC. Assessed in a 2 hour 30 minute exam at the end of the 2 years

Component 2 (50% of the A-level) –

Roman Period Study: The Julio-Claudian Emperors 31BC-68AD and Roman Depth Study: The Breakdown of the Late Republic 88-31BC. Assessed in a 2 hour 30 minute exam at the end of the 2 years

Minimum requirement for entry onto the course

NBP16C level 3 entry requirements.

Why should I follow this course?

Ancient History offers you the opportunity of acquiring the skills of a historian through the study of documents and other sources relating to ancient Greece, ancient Rome and, at A level, ancient Persia. This course has been designed to help learners develop their understanding of the ancient world and how its legacy affects society today.  If you love learning about the distant past, grappling with the richness (and limitations) of high quality source material, reflecting on and exploring the nature of power and human fascination with cultural difference, then you should consider this course.

What will I learn?

Ancient History will teach you to organise and evaluate arguments and to write a clearly structured essay.  You will learn a lot about culture, history and society in Ancient Greece & Rome, and be able to relate this to what you know of the modern world.  Each year you will take one unit in Greek History and one in Roman History.  In the first year you will study the relationship between Greek and non-Greek states 492-404 BC with a focus on the Persian Wars and the breakdown of the Late Republic 88-31BC.  In the second year you will learn about the politics and society of Sparta 478-404BC as well as the Julio-Claudian 31 BC- 68AD.  No previous knowledge of these two areas is required and the course is taught with an assumption that the majority of the class will not have studied the ancient world before.

What learning and teaching methods will be used?

Personal research, pair and group work, practice in presentation and teacher-led discussion will all be used to make your learning active and enjoyable.  Visits will be arranged as opportunities arise.  In the past, the department has visited Greece, Rome, the British Museum and Kings Weston Roman Villa, as well as local venues to attend student conferences.

What can I do with my qualification?

It is a demanding course that is well thought of by universities and employers.  It complements studies in many other subject areas, particularly Literature, Art, History, Drama and Performing Arts, Architecture and Design.  Ancient history provides you with training at a high level in the understanding and analysis of documents and in written communication.  This course enriches the understanding of the political and cultural history of Europe and the Middle East and will provide a stimulus to continued study.  You will be equipped with skills needed for a degree in most subjects and for professions such as law, politics, journalism, central and local government and the civil service

What minimum qualifications will I need?

NBP16C level 3 entry requirements