GSO Test

Progression to Year 13

Students at the North Bristol Post 16 Centre do not take AS levels at the end of Year 12, unless there are specific arrangements in place owing to individual circumstances. However, there will be internal end of year mock exams in the spring term in each A level subject. If a student does not gain a passing grade in these, they will be given the opportunity to re-take this, following feedback, a few weeks later. You can find more information on this, and the support available, here

The vast majority of students will progress into the second year automatically. However, we reserve the right to review entry to the second year of courses where the student's attendance or attitude to learning have fallen short of our Student Expectations (signed at enrolment) and where this has impacted on academic progress. In these cases we will use our internal procedure for Year 12 to Year 13 progression to ensure all students are on a pathway on which they can succeed.